In the weekend leading up to Melbourne Cup my good mate Colin and I headed to Tasmaina hell bent on having the best fishing adventure ever. Making the journey over on the Spirit of Tasmania and utilising Cols Landcruiser to get about once we hit main land at Davonport. We had a plan in place to fish various lakes and streams as we stumbled on them en route to Great Lake and Arthurs Lake. We enlisted the help of a local guide for a couple of days (I always highly recommend doing this so that you can figure out quickly whats going on - you can't beat local knowledge) and we were soon into the fish. One of the things I love about fishing is that you are always learning. Our guide Chris Bassano taught us the art of dibbling from a boat across the shallows where losts of frisky browns cruised looking for their morning feed. Thirteen fish around the 3 pound mark were landed in quick succession. We're scheduled to make our annual trip again during the same period this year (2008) ... so stay tunned for some more brilliant pictures and stories to follow.
Wow you're a good fisherman. I went fishing yesterday and all I caught was a little trout. Nice blog.
i like......
i still learning fishing.it's interesting but i still lack of knowledge
world off monkey world off monkey world off monkey ahahahaha
Thanks chrisss for the great feedback. Fly fishing is something i never really thought about doing - i thought only rich people did it. But i had a good teacher in NZ and ever since i've just kept learning and trying different things. I love it!
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