It was a case of once bitten, twice shy when I landed this Long Tom. As a teenager growing up in Banyo, my mates and I use to fish Cribb Island (before they built the current Brisbane airport on it) and Nudgee beach. As a result of building a the eastern runway on Cribb Island they opened up the canal (now called Kedron Brook) at which time I caught my first two foot Long Tom. Once on the bank it lay there very docile looking, so I casually grabbed it around the middle of the body and lifted it up for a closer inspection upon which it flipped itself in a split instant and ran its dagger like teeth across my arm. My close by mates were rolling around on the ground laughing as they watched my cursing and hoping across the mud flats wishing I'd had a bit more common sense about what I'd just done. Needless to say, when I brought this 4 foot best on board, I kept a safe distance!
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